We have to grow without creating negative social or environmental issues that would harm the long time success of the company. We need to find ways of using our resources in a more efficient and responsible way that provides us with long-term benefits and profitability.

TargetResults 2019Result 2020-21Goal 2022SDG
Invest in a candidate management and recruitment system to streamline recruitment and on-boardingHARRI ATS launched reducing time to hire and streamlining onboarding
Safer RTW management checks via TRUST ID
Oversee HARRI management systemBenchmark HARRI contract against alternatives
Upgrade employer branding to include WSH opportunities
Create a vibrant and progressive workplaceSeveral new contracts opened increasing opportunity for all and enhancing the overall diversity of #BMFamilyCollaboration with external resources to deliver e-solutionsFocus on development of existing team
Create a campaign on personal development utilising example career pathways
Celebrate the importance of diversity at all levels via D&I strategy
Enhance team members’ benefit packageDevise new benefits to meet with multi- generational needs life assurance provided to all team membersNew (AVIVA) EAP with enhanced resources launchedImproved discount scheme app “Pear Savings” launched8
Build and sustain long-term client relationshipsDevelop a Mosaic solution to meet the gap between pandemic impact and affected catering requirementsMaintain and evolve Mosaic as the contract catering market finds a new normal8

Our three pillars of sustainability

Appoint a contract caterer - retention


Long term profitability without creating negative social or environmental issues.