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Diversity & Inclusion

BM knows that it is only as strong as its team – the #bmFamily. The benefits of a diverse workforce on a company’s performance are well documented.

In 2020 Bartlett Mitchell (BM) set up a dedicated Equality, Diversity and Inclusion(ED&I) team led by Gregory Hall and Murray Soper to ensure that Equality, Diversity and Inclusion would ensure fair treatment and opportunity for all BM’s team members. The team wanted to ensure that no one would face prejudice or discrimination on the basis of an individual or group of individual’s protected characteristics.


‘To celebrate the diversity within our #bmfamily, through an agreed strategic approach, taking steps to ensure we continue to have a diverse workforce and that our teams from every background benefit from an inclusive culture that promotes opportunity for all’

In its first year BM’s ED&I team made excellent progress and demonstrated a clear strategy, strong top-down ownership, and company-wide best practice for promoting equality and combating workplace discrimination in the sector.

In 2021 BM formed an ED&I Steering committee which includes representatives from all parts of the business. It created a Diversity and Inclusion action plan, making a number of commitments to increase the diversity of the workforce and the representation of wider society within their food and service offer. They are proud to be building a diverse and inclusive company which is a great place for all team members to work, regardless of their background.