BM Foodie Awards 2023

Last Thursday we celebrated another great evening of recognition at the annual BM foodie awards. The #bmFamily💜💚 enjoyed fun, noise and chaos! Accompanied by our brilliant chef’s delicious, sustainable food: we always like to show that we live our value of #FundamentallyFood.
BM Foodie Award winners who walk the talk
Our annual BM foodie awards show our appreciation for team members that live – and deliver beyond – our FOODIES values. This year, with our two MDs, Antony and Angus leading the way, the celebration was as successful as ever.
Living Our Values
It’s a great evening meeting everyone. I am touched that team members take the time to thank Ian and me for starting the company. I am humbled when they say they love the company values. And in particular how we are both still involved. And they notice the difference created by the #bmFamily💜💚 and enjoy working in BM. Ian hasn’t been well recently but I swear these comments improved how he was feeling by 100%.
A young lad who had just joined BM, said “I’ve worked for a few companies but I’ve never felt so welcome. It’s nice to see that your values are not just words, you really live them”. I wanted to hug him (actually I did!).
Team first
When I’m out and about I try to find the owners of the company, if it’s a small business. Especially when it’s a great experience. I like to say “thank you, you run a good company”. They may not be out front providing the service, but I know they have prioritised investment in their team and have a strong culture. If you have built a company which prioritises your team – like Ian and I did – then feedback on your team delivering what you believe is the real reward.
Recognising our FOODIES Values
#bmFamily💜💚 team members were recognised either individually or as a team for each of our FOODIES values.
F – fundamentally food
O – obsessive about our people
O – open and honest
D – dedicated to our customers
I – innovative in all we do
E – entrepreneurial teams
S – support you can trust
Loyalty and long service
We also recognised #bmFamily💜💚 team members who had 5, 10, 15 and even 20 years service with us. I can’t believe we have been going for over 20 years! And that team members have put up with us 😊 – it’s nice to know that we are fundamentally the same. Yes, we have evolved, and there have been changes……. But everyone still believes ‘look after your team first, ensure we remain a lovely company’ and success will follow, including the top and bottom line.
Some great advice I once received was “The leader‘s attitude and conversation sets the tone for the entire company”. For example if it’s all about finance – that will be the focus of the company. Ian and I made a conscious decision to make sure our conversations are all about the front line teams, food and our #bmFamily💜💚.
Welcome to future stars
I have to finish this and dash now. We have our ‘meet the directors‘ monthly induction this morning. Every team member meets us – and that’s another moment of joy for me. When new starters realise that they are recognised as important members of our world. We make time to meet them and explain our ‘Why?’
(incidentally I asked the 24 people there had they ever been taken away for a day to meet the bosses and hear about the company – not one had!! That’s sad)
It’s our pleasure to have the opportunity to work with them. And that these talented and enthusiastic individuals chose us, makes it a pleasure to welcome them to the #bmFamily💜💚. I also have no doubt these will be our future BM stars!