BM Foodies Awards
F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S as Craig on Strictly Come Dancing would say – that’s how great it was to have everyone at the #bmFamily💜💚 foodies awards party.
That’s what we are at BM – family and old friends – and in that, I’m including new team members. It’s always heart warming to hear from newbies of the #bmFamily💜💚; how when we get together, they love the atmosphere of fun and friendship. I really do appreciate how special it is and the energy it creates.
BM Foodies Awards
There were many awards, there was much chaos, noise and banter. A great bon ami at all levels – some worked incredibly hard to make sure everyone could really enjoy the evening and that wasn’t unnoticed.
We had fabulous food from our superstar chef team, which reflected some new initiatives we have planned (watch this space, as they say, as it’s awesome!) and a massive shout out to the Sheffy team of lovely ladies, who were there to bring the magic to the recipes and deliver delightful finger food.
I was touched that a few of the team came to say that this was their family and how grateful they were – be it that they didn’t have much extended family, or perhaps their family members are in far-flung places or just that circumstances meant that work colleagues are there to support and most importantly take time to care. This is especially true through the pandemic – whilst we are a business, we are first and foremost about our team and BM is a result of all their efforts.
We have been absolutely overwhelmed by the number of team members who have returned to join us – over 50% of our new recruits are returning team members – that’s a real testament to our teams, in that they are great people to work with.
The evening showed there were many – as a team or as an individual – who had put in the extra effort and have made a real difference.
BM Family Superstar
The family superstar this year was Owen, who in true character had jumped into the kitchen to help and we had to haul him out to present the award!
Ian Mitchell was an added attendee bonus, as it’s been a while since he has been able to meet people. Ian has had an illness that prevented travel and activity, but now he is back on the road to recovery. Seeing the team made sure he got the right medicine to add that extra spring to his step to recovery.
Founders Award
On the founders award, we went off-piste in etiquette of not congratulating ourselves – as in the senior team. We awarded it to Francois Gautreaux, BM’s MD, as we wanted to recognise the difference he has made within operations, in keeping everyone in jobs, keeping us safe and retaining our clients through his wizardry. We have no doubt that his role and actions made a massive difference to quite a few lives.
So in summary if you want to understand the real reward of building a company – the BM foodies awards night was it. It just doesn’t get any better.