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#bmFamily💜💚 guide to a stress-free Christmas lunch

christmas lunch

Start with a plan

Christmas is upon us, and we’re here to turn your festive lunch from a “must-do” to a “can’t-wait-to-do”! Remember, a pinch of preparation and a dash of organisation makes everything tastier.

  • Your new bestie – the list: Start jotting down everything – yes, everything – from napkins to Auntie’s vegan preferences. Last-minute scrambles? Not on our watch! Try our Maple Glazed Tofu for a vegan twist that’ll make even meat-lovers ask for seconds.
  • Redefine your Christmas spread: If brussels sprouts get the cold shoulder at your table, then it’s time to say goodbye. Embrace your family’s favourites and start your own delicious traditions! How about our mouth-watering hispi cabbage with salsa verde.  It’s sure to be a hit!

Prep like a pro

  • Shop like a boss: Didn’t snag that delivery slot? No sweat. The local shops have got your back – they’re like Santa’s little helpers, but for food.
  • Everyone plays a part: Remember Dad’s saying, ‘no room for passengers’? It’s all hands-on deck! From snack meister to table stylist, every role adds a sprinkle of fun to the day.
  • Plan ahead, chill later:  Let’s get those crispy roast potatoes, gravy and stuffings ready in advance. Why? So you can kick back and soak in the festive spirit (though don’t tuck in to the spirits too early).

The big day

  • Pete Redman’s Christmas lunch planner – your secret weapon: With Pete’s trusty timetable in hand, tailored to your feast, you’ll have everything singing in harmony and ready together. Pete’s culinary magic is undeniable, but when I need a little extra help, where do I turn? Delia’s Christmas cookbook, of course. It’s a treasure trove of festive ideas, perfect for those moments when I need a dash of reassurance.
  • Shortcut city: No shame in the store-bought game. That top-notch cranberry sauce or those mince pies are your sneaky allies for extra merry-making time.
  • Simple starters, big impressions: Who ever left a Christmas table hungry? Opt for charming canapés or mini starters – they’re the perfect warm-up act for the main show.

Finishing touches

  • Table glamour: Lay the table the night before. Think of it as setting the stage for a meal that’s bound to get rave reviews.
  • The ‘Just-in-Case’ kit: Ice, foil, kitchen roll, and those all-important bin bags – these unsung heroes keep the day running smoother than Santa’s sleigh.
  • Savour the moments: The real secret ingredient? Your joy and relaxation. It’s about the laughs, the chats, and those shared festive moments.

From the whole bmFamily💜💚 to your wonderful crew, here’s to a festive feast filled with love, laughter, and a little bit of BM magic. Happy Christmas! 🎄🥂