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#bmInc – What’s been happening


#bmInc update August 19.

Wow, #bmInc has certainly picked up momentum since my last blog in January 2019

We now have a full programme of suppliers lined up to participate in #bmInc activities across our sites up until the end of November 2019!

The process I follow to introduce new and innovative products to our customers has been streamlined, so I can now book suppliers in way ahead of the time they’ll be in the business.

  • Two products are sampled over a six week period.
  • Site managers are fully briefed about the products prior to suppliers making contact to arrange sampling.
  • At the end of the six week period there is a week’s rest before two new products are introduced.
  • I aim to have a snack and a drink product for each session.

We now have 21 of our sites taking part in the initiative, enabling product sampling sessions. We have also produced our own bartlett mitchell point of sale banner to draw customers’ attention the products currently being featured. The word out on the street is that we are the go to contract caterer if you have a new and innovative product you want to “get out there”, so I am delighted to say I have a constant stream of “wannabees” to review!

We’ve some real success stories over the past 6 months.

DRGN Drinks – has been the best so far.

Mentioned in my previous blog, this product was featured during March and has been particularly successful due to the determination and drive of Vishal (who owns the product) to secure as many tastings as he could. In fact, he is still active out there doing follow-up tastings to keep the momentum going – well impressive Bro!

The product is described as a turmeric infused citrus drink with added vitamins, electrolytes and botanical extracts.  The first time I sampled it, I knew this was a winner! My one negative was the 7.5gmds of sugar per 100 ml which made it too sweet.

My feedback (and probably others) was taken on board and the next batch which is due into the UK (canned in EU due to no availability in UK – groan) within the next 2 weeks has had the sugar reduced to 4.9gm and so takes it below the sugar tax threshold too.

When Vishal came to me, he couldn’t get a listing with a distributor and even ours (DDC Foods) had rejected it at one of their new product sampling sessions. To overcome this obstacle Vishal agreed to distribute directly to sites. Each site he sampled at sold the free stock he provided (1×24 cans) within days and then reordered.

Subsequently I approached DDC to list his product as clearly there was a demand in our business. I’m chuffed that they are now the route to market for this product – Job done, Yay!!!

In my last update I also mentioned my aim to diversify #bmInc into other areas apart from retail products. Progress in this area is very slow so I have not been able to feature any products as yet, but I’m still hopeful that one day a product will present that wows the socks off me.

Product features recently are

That’s all for now folks