Celebrating Lamb at Easter

Celebrating lamb at Easter, next level mint sauce and hot cross bun bread and butter pudding, bring on the cream eggs!
Cooking a rack of lamb, or even a small leg over the top of a pan of boulangère potatoes is brilliant for a full proof and delicious Sunday lunch lamb dish, perfect for Easter
Simply seal off the lamb rack fat side down and remove the lamb from the pan. Now layer up the same pan with thinly sliced potatoes, cooked sliced onions and good chicken stock, not forgetting to season at each layer.
Once the pan is full, add a knob of butter and cook the potatoes in an oven pre heated to 180ºC. After 40 minutes place the sealed lamb rack onto the potatoes for the last 20 minutes. Rest the dish for 15 minutes before carving and serving. Don’t forget the mint sauce…
Speaking of which.
Best Mint Sauce
100ml white wine vinegar in a pan with 100g sugar and 100ml water, boil and reduce this by half. Allow to cool. Chop a whole bunch of mint, not too fine. Chop half a bunch of lovage and a shallot nice and fine, now combine all of this with the liquid and add a few capers. Perfect with roast lamb.
Hot Cross Bun – Bread and Butter Pudding
Once that delicious lamb is polished off and prior to the cream egg feast. Try this bread-and-butter pudding. Hot cross buns are traditional for Good Friday; this year buy extra and leave them out to go slightly stale. Cut the buns open, toast them (very important) and butter them generously. Now layer them into an oven proof dish (cross side up) and in between each layer add a ladle of custard mix. For this use four egg yolks and two whole eggs mixed with 350ml of double cream and 180g castor sugar mixed well together with a whisk. This will be enough custard for 8 hot cross buns and will serve 6 people well.
Once the casserole dish is full allow to stand for 30 minutes before baking in an oven at 160ºC for 45 minutes. Remove and allow to stand. To reheat sprinkle over some castor sugar and place under a medium grill for 4 minutes until golden and crisp. Serve with a spoon!
Happy Easter