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Product innovation in foodservice.


There is a plethora of new product innovation happening with retail items at the moment with the majority being driven by young entrepreneurs, which I like to see. I get fed up with the continual brand stretch by the ‘big boys’ finding 101 different ways to represent the same product. What Iā€™m looking for is innovation and something quirky to complement our food offer. The big brands can be purchased in any number of retail outlets ā€“ Iā€™m looking for a point of difference for our customers.

As Procurement Director for bartlett mitchell Iā€™m very keen to engage with ‘young people’, enabling them to ‘pitch’ their product to me. Itā€™s a bit like Dragons Den bartlett mitchell!! If I feel their product has potential in our business Iā€™ll arrange a product trial session. Six bartlett mitchell contracts have agreed to be a trial site. The supplier provides free stock to the sites to get the promotion off the ground and the trial runs for two weeks. I overview the selling to ensure our operating margins are not compromised, if we decide to list the product in the business. I also verify the price point is correct for our service environment (in work place catering) as peopleā€™s perception of value for money is much lower in the Staff Restaurant when compared to the High Street retailers.

During the two weeks the supplier visits the site to conduct a product sampling session with our customers. Then at the end of four weeks I review sales levels, after the first and fourth week to ascertain the level of drop off from week one. I then approach the trial sites for their individual feedback about the product. Following this I have a review meeting with the supplier. Itā€™s at this point a decision is made to either list the product as part of our core range, or say goodbye to each other!

Iā€™m fortunate to be working for an entrepreneurial forward thinking business that enables me to work with the ‘newbies’ in the market place. They are our future suppliers; they bring innovation to us but who find it very challenging getting their products listed. The large scale distributors will tell them they need demand/volume from the marketplace to list the product yet how can they generate demand if they canā€™t get the product listed?

Iā€™m currently working with nine new brands.Ā  Not all will make it but Iā€™m confident most will. My door is always open to anyone out there with a new and exciting product to ā€œpitchā€.

Until next time

Steve Fox
Purchasing Director