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Positive Connections

Ian Kingston - connected

All of us have been affected by the virus, that never was, less than 12 months ago. But we all deal with it in different ways. Here at bartlett mitchell we stayed connected throughout and it was a catalyst to propel the multi-channel communications machine into the future.

Staying Connected

Tools that had recently been introduced such as Yapster really came into their own.

Yapster is an internal communication tool that everyone has access to, you can post images and feedback for all, or private message anyone in the company, so instant access to Wendy Bartlett!

Instead of foodie photos and a thank you a whole new form of support developed.

Kitchen Cabinet Challenge

Lockdown happened which gave rise to the Kitchen Cabinet challenge, where you had to cook and share details of an interesting dish from whatever you had in your cupboard. I was challenged about the possession of gold leaf in my signature dessert, but let’s just say I’m always prepared for a dessert!

Doorstep Desserts

In our household we recently invested in a fantastic patisserie book – Modern Fresh Pastry by Cheryl Wakerhauser, which has complex and tasty recipes.  The idea was to keep us occupied during lockdown and it worked. Each weekend we baked all day, then sneaked out at night,  left half the dish on a colleague’s doorstep and did a dessert swap to experience more delights (and consume more calories).

Run for Fun

Then came the Run for Fun, once we were allowed out of our homes to exercise, Team Angus and co organised a charity run for fun. The idea was that we add our individual commitment and get sponsorship, then on the chosen day everyone ran virtually together wherever their location. The funny thing was that we’re all miles apart yet we felt like we were all connected. It was an amazing success story bringing a huge majority of the #bmFamily💜💚 together. With the added bonus of raising over £3,000 for the NHS charity.

Virtual Connections

A couple of weeks into the lockdown our zoom meetings were a regular thing with daily and weekly team updates for all levels of team members . Some with serious focus and some simply for fun. We all found that connection, shared banter and experiences, helped keep a positive outlook.

My personal favourite was our team mini game show on a Friday afternoon! Each of us took a turn to re-create TV game show such as ‘Play Your Cards Right’, whilst having a small sherry and forgetting the work madness for an hour or so.

Having this team connection really helped me keep positive during the pandemic, here we are 9 months in and the #bmFamily💜💚 seems as strong as ever, staying positive in adversity and growing in so many different ways.