Sharing Store Cupboard Recipes

During this difficult time we are all struggling with getting supplies as supermarkets are selling out of food. Panic-buying creates a lot of problems. When I was in a supermarket at the weekend I saw someone with about 8 bags of pasta, (that’s enough to feed around 60 people). Now I don’t know about you, but there is only so many times that I can eat the same dishes night after night! If we buy food smartly, with consideration for others and use what’s already in our store cupboard, there is plenty to go around.
So I thought that I would start sharing my store cupboard recipes. It may seem that I am cooking a lot, but I am cooking for me, my wife, family and friends.
I am also going to be cooking vegan meals during this time for my daughter. She is self-isolating and when she comes out of hiding she will be returning to work within the NHS. I will be cooking a mixture of recipes, from smoothies to my take on the classic chicken noodle soup. All designed to boost our immune system. Most of the recipes that I make can be frozen or will last at least a couple of days.
My first recipe is a spicy beef soup with lots of flavour and vegetables. It’s like a minestrone broth but with more of a kick. It’s a good one for using up leftover veg and pulses, grains etc you may have in the store cupboard. Just about everything in it can be replaced or substituted with a similar ingredient.