Sustainable Caterer of the Year for a second year running

Cheers were heard in the bartlett mitchell & Inn or Out Events office as the news came in from our Chairman, Ian Mitchell, that for the 2nd year running bartlett mitchell had been awarded Sustainable Caterer of the Year. Ian received the award from SRA president, Raymond Blanc at the Sustainable Restaurant Associations (SRA) awards ceremony on Monday.
“Catering in over 85 sites bartlett mitchell has the potential to make a real difference. This award demonstrates that the company is a genuine force for good for the 35,000 customers it serves daily. What’s especially impressive is bartlett mitchell’s commitment to keep looking for new ways of going even further and operating ever more sustainably.”
The award stands as testament to all the hard work and focus that has been given over the last year, with the real belief that making the right choices for the environment is at the heart of what bartlett mitchell values most; supporting British, local and seasonal food producers. Winning Sustainable Caterer of the Year from the SRA is a huge morale booster for our whole company as we believe our success is in part down to having everyone’s ideas heard and put into practise. Directors, kitchen porters and chefs have all influenced elements of our sustainable efforts; Save your Coffee Clutch, recycling coffee grouts and ensuring all menus reflect seasonal changes are ideas that have emerged from all areas of bartlett mitchell’s team. Different job roles interact with different parts of the business, by creating forums for all employees to voice their ideas, we are able to make all corners of the business more sustainable.
Supporting UK heritage apple growers to local dairy farmers in Hampshire, checking supplier policies and asking the little question, such as delivery lorry fuel used, makes a real difference to the way we manage our business. Being a member of the SRA has made us look at the whole picture and not just the food on the plate.
Within minutes of hearing the news the Green Team were so enthused they reviewed the sustainable plan for 2015, making sure it was ticking all bartlett mitchell’s boxes! Events each month, customer involvement and team competitions are already underway. Furthermore, with our recent acquisition of Inn or Out Events, we are very excited to start making a difference to the world of events by applying our bartlett mitchell sustainability values. We look forward to updating you all on our plans to be more sustainable than ever in the coming year, watch out event world for a sustainable change.
By Sally Grimes and the Green Team