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Team Go Sober for October

Team Go Sober for October

No one could have predicted how 2020 would have panned out. Throughout the pandemic all of us have faced many challenges; however with challenges there come new opportunities. The opportunity for our team to go Sober for October presented us with a way to stay connected and do something positive.

Throughout 2020 we have tried to stay connected with our teams and colleagues. We did this through regular Zoom calls, game nights and food and wine virtual experiences. But most importantly, we made sure these were genuine supportive conversations. We created many team events to bring us all together at the same time, but in a different place. Run for Fun is just one example where not only did we come together, but we also raised close to £4,000 for the NHS.

As lockdown continued and restrictions began to ease, there were some that could only watch as things began to reopen. It was at this point, those who were not able to create a new normal struggled. Seeing some of our colleagues being back in the workplace whilst some were still at home was hard. We wanted them to be there with us.

Isolation encouraged Team Go Sober for October

As time passed, I became aware that I was hearing the same constant reference to how much alcohol people were drinking. I too was falling into this category, dividing the end of the day from work to home life, all within the same walls. I found myself drinking too much, for no reason other than it was something to do to relax after a day of virtual meetings. It is amazing how easily it creeps up on you. We are a sociable bunch and when you’re out with friends and colleagues, it seems OK to have drinks and have fun. But when you’re drinking on your own at home and it’s more than one glass, is it time to put on the breaks and reflect?

For the last 8 months, I have run and cycled most days. Whilst trying to protect my mental state through exercise, I was still drinking too much as the evenings crept in. One of our dear friends and colleague is currently going through cancer treatment. So when Sober for October came around, we jumped at the chance to raise money for the Macmillan cancer charity. We wanted to see it as a challenge, but an opportunity to stop for a month and reflect. We all went on the quest and between us all, we raised almost as much as Run for Fun. And do you know what, I actually really enjoyed a month of no drinking.

New habits formed

We’re all so glad that we did Sober for October and I know that I will not slip back into bad habits. Within our industry it has been well publicised that alcohol addiction is an issue. Whilst many of us are far from being dependant, you can get very close to the line without realising it. Drink responsibly when you do.

If you would like to donate to Team AB’s efforts, please follow the link.