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Sustainable school catering

Led by Greta Thunberg, an estimated seven million young people demanded action on climate change. This shows the importance to students of sustainable school catering.Ā 

Giving students a voice and encouraging them to be partners in the journey to reduce a school’s carbon emissions supports learning, engagement and achievement. We have a wealth of collaborative and sustainable school catering experience that we can share with your school and students.

We were the first caterer to achieve The Planet Mark for measuring and reducing our carbon emissions. And we were the first to achieve 3 stars from the Sustainable Restaurant Association (known as the Michelin stars of sustainability).

Local sourcing and our unique farm to fork commitment to Sedex ensures high environmental standards. Schools can trace ā€˜back to sourceā€™ every ingredient in the catering supply chain.

Eating seasonally supports UK producers and reduces the impact of climate change. It also protects our farming heritage and gives students what they want: sustainable, tasty and nutritious food.

Students experience entrepreneurship by working withĀ Bm Inc, our business incubator and our social enterprises. They also learn crucial life and leadership skills including problem-solving, teamwork and empathy.

By drinking our own-brand Perkee Fairtrade coffee, students make a direct contribution to supporting a better quality of life for families and communities in Nicaragua. It’s also anĀ opportunity to experience and understand sustainability in the global food supply chain.

Schools can make a real contribution to the global effort of Ā ā€˜doing more with lessā€™. Our experience of reducing waste (including single use plastics) shows what is achievable. As well as saving money, reducing waste makes a positive impact on reputation and progress towards the UN sustainability development goals.