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bartlett mitchell signs up top vegan chef Andrew Dargue

Andrew Dargue

bartlett mitchell, one of the UK’s leading independent caterers, has announced a new partnership with top vegetarian and vegan chef Andrew Dargue of restaurant Vanilla Black.

In his role as consultant chef, Andrew will provide chef training, masterclasses and events for bartlett mitchell customers and pioneer chef tables and pop-ups featuring his innovative blend of plant-based cuisine.

The collaboration supports the growing demand for quality and innovative vegetarian and vegan cooking.

Through its work with Andrew, bartlett mitchell aims to inspire its chefs to create original meat-free dishes that offer customers new menu options beyond the stereotypical vegetarian and vegan fare.

Andrew said: “What I love about bartlett mitchell is the company is both professional and approachable, and it absolutely doesn’t pay lip-service to vegetarian menus.

“I can’t wait to share my enthusiasm for creating exciting meat-free dishes with bartlett mitchell chefs and further showcasing the world of culinary opportunity that vegetarian and vegan food has to offer.”

Pete Redman, chef director at bartlett mitchell, added: “We mean it when we say we want to create original veggie dishes.

“We relish the challenge of working without meat and fish to create delicious dishes for our customers and by collaborating with Andrew, we’re in the perfect position to do just that.”

Andrew originally opened Vanilla Black in York in 2004. He relocated the restaurant to London four years later where his contemporary menu featuring unusual ingredients and unique flavour combinations quickly earned Vanilla Black a recommendation in the Michelin Guide and two AA Rosettes.