bm links-supporting team member’s personal businesses

We are delighted to announce the launch of bm Links – a new platform showcasing services offered by team members whose income has been reduced as a result of post Covid-19 challenges.
The platform will act as a shop window for team members to advertise their skills, services and products to new customers.
The Covid-19 induced lockdown has had a significant impact on the foodservice sector. It is expected that more than 10% of sector employees will be facing redundancy or reduced hours and many will be on furlough.
bm Links has been set up to support those whose hours have been reduced as a result of client sites being closed or those operating a limited service in the immediate future.
Team members will be able to showcase a broad range of services such as sewing, cake-making, pop-up chefs, photography and art.
The platform also contains inspirational tools and resources which will help team members grow their networks and develop new sources of income.
Wendy Bartlett, founder, bartlett mitchell, said: “Our founding values include being obsessive about people and entrepreneurialism. These values hold true in good and bad times.
“Families always stick together. bm Links is a way for us to support our family members during this challenging time. We have great reach both through our social media channels and our customers and clients. It’s right that we support our team with training and knowledge and want to give our extended #bmFamily💜💚 team members exposure to this potential customer base and access to our talented teams of experts in book-keeping, marketing, social media and legalities”.