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Support and encouragement to grow


Bozena, Client Accounts Manager

I started my career with bartlett mitchell as a barista in Reading, in September 2006. I had three young children, so the flexible hours suited me. I also really liked the kind, friendly people I worked with.

After almost three years, my manager, Graham, told me about a new opportunity, working on another contract in Bracknell, where I live. He also gave me such good references, I got the job without an interview!

Working there as a General Assistant taught me a lot about English dishes, which I was still discovering since moving here from Poland. But with a masterā€™s degree in economics, Iā€™d always wanted a career in finance. I started thinking seriously about getting a job in banking, and started a four-year accounting course, while still working. During my second year at college, a position came up in the finance department at our head office in Egham. Naturally, I was keen to try for it, and I got lots of support with my application ā€“ my manager, Andy, helped me prepare for the interview, and even some of my customers helped me write my CV.

Out of ten candidates, Shelagh (our Finance Director at the time) chose me. I couldnā€™t believe it! Later, she said sheā€™d given me the job because she could see how much I wanted it. I certainly did, and it changed my life. I continued my course two evenings a week, and the company paid half the fee for the last year. It was a good course, but I learned just as much in my work, especially from Martin, my manager. And when he left, and I got his job. Suddenly, I was a manager. At first, I was daunted by the new role, but realising I could do it gave me a lot of confidence.

Now I manage 35 client accounts and deal with banking, cash reconciliation, monthly estimates, and other tasks for David, our Finance Director. I feel Iā€™ve come a long way since I started here, and I couldnā€™t have done it without Shelaghā€™s amazing support and the encouragement Iā€™ve had from my colleagues along the way.