Caterer bartlett mitchell has most successful year in its history

Read Cost Sector Catoring’s article below to find out how:
Bartlett Mitchell, the boutique caterer, has announced that it has had its most successful year in its history with sales wins in excess of £42m in turnover over the duration of the three to five-year contracts.
In addition the company has retained over £3m in business this year. Bartlett Mitchell won major contracts this year with Publicis, the advertising and marketing agency, and Three, the mobile telecoms giant.
“Last year, we focussed on team development and food innovation so we had all the building blocks in place as we moved in to 2014, including a new team of development chefs. Clients and consultants have been impressed when they’ve been on unit visits and they like the work our team is doing.”
“Even though we are now a £30m business with 700 employees, the feedback we get is that they like the personal touch they receive from the Directors and founding owners, Ian Mitchell, David James and myself, and we all remain very involved in the business. It’s important to us to make sure we continue providing this level of personal service.”
“We’ve also been delighted with our sustainability achievements in 2014, particularly our 3-star rating from the SRA, and this year has finished on an exciting note with our acquisition of Inn or Out Events. It adds another dimension to the services that the company can offer and demonstrates that we are in this business for the long term.”
“Throughout our newly extended company we have a wide range of complimentary skills and it’s going to be interesting to see how these new skills and personalities interact and work together to create more new solutions and ideas for our customers in 2015.”
– Wendy Bartlett, CEO
Bartlett Mitchell was established by Wendy Bartlett and Ian Mitchell in 2000 to provide bespoke catering services to business clients in London and the South East of England. The company now employs over 700 in its team at 85 locations for a wide range of clients in business and industry, education, healthcare and service industries.
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