D&I strategy launched ahead of Black History Month

We have today announced a series of measures aimed at strengthening our commitment to diversity, inclusion and equality (D&I).
‘Business In the Community Race at Work’ charter.
Launched to coincide with Black History Month, the company has committed to the values outlined in the ‘Business In the Community Race at Work’ charter.
The charter offers a strategic framework for organisations to adhere to, offering tangible and measurable targets for improvement.
These range from appointing an executive sponsor for race, capturing ethnicity data and publicising progress, committing at Board level to a zero tolerance of harassment and bullying, having clear ownership of equality issues from all leaders and managers, and taking action that supports ethnic minority career progression.
Four-Year Strategy
As part of the commitment, we have developed a four-year strategy which will be led by a ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ steering committee – with the aim of increasing D&I awareness across the business.
The committee will ensure that a culturally diverse team provides food and service experiences reflecting many perspectives and world views.
It will also ensure that the business will be carrying out a range of activities such as planning annual celebration days. Their remit includes reviewing relevant training, and recognising development needs.
Sharing Different Cultural Menus
Alongside this, and as part of Black History Month, the company will be hosting themed dining menus, developing a series of D&I based blogs for team members, as well as recognising and sharing different cultural menus via Yapster – the company’s internal communications platform.
Ian Thomas, CEO, bartlett mitchell, said: “As a business, we have always been proud of the incredibly diverse talent we have amongst our team and take time to share and recognise this wherever possible.
“However, with recent events in mind, we have taken the opportunity to review our activity and formalise a strategy which will be deeply embedded into our business.
“The BITC charter offers a strong framework to help us achieve this.”