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First Wellness Manager appointed

Hebe Richardson - Wellness Manager

Hebe Richardson has been the appointed to the newly created position of Wellness Manager.

As part of the new role, which was created to help support the sustainable growth of the company, Hebe has been tasked with developing a new business-wide healthy eating strategy that combines both training and customer outreach with menu management and analysis.

With clients increasingly looking for motivated and healthy high performing workforces, Hebe can advise and support them to enhance their employee value proposition – helping to reduce sickness absence, increase retention, and encourage more productivity.

Reporting to quality standards manager, Sally Grimes, she will oversee the development and delivery of nutritional training to bartlett mitchell teams while inspiring and educating customers through regular ‘lunch and learn’ sessions.

Hebe will also work collaboratively with the chef teams to develop new recipe concepts that are nutritionally balanced and delicious.

Prior to joining bartlett mitchell, Hebe completed an internship at a food policy think tank while working as a chef at an independent cafe, this after completing a degree in nutrition at King’s College London. She is also a registered associate nutritionist with the Association for Nutrition.

Hebe said:

[mbo_blockquote cite=””]“There is a lot of confusion around nutrition and health thanks to the growth of social media and the popularity of influencers.

“Conveying coherent and scientifically sound messages to our customers and teams that can cut through some of this misinformation is something I am passionate about. I definitely believe that it’s our responsibility to give people the knowledge, tools and the choice to eat healthy and delicious food.”[/mbo_blockquote]

Sally added: “Providing our clients and customers with great tasting food that is also good for you has long been a priority at bartlett mitchell.

“By creating the Wellness Manager position and appointing someone as passionate and knowledgeable as Hebe, we are able to further cement our commitment to providing delicious and nutritious food in our restaurants, cafes, hospitality services and events.”