Coffee roasted Heritage Carrots with carrot juice

Give the carrots a good wash but do not peel them. Trim off 2cm from the top and bottom of the carrots and reserve. Give the large pieces a brush with a touch of rape seed oil and season with sea salt
Tip the coffee beans into a roasting tray and place the carrots on top. Cover the tray with foil and bake at 170 for an hour or until they are tender and cooked through.
Run the smaller pieces of carrot through a juicer and gently warm this, adding a touch of salt and lemon juice to bring out the flavour.
Stir the vinegar and the sugar together until dissolved.
Slice the larger reserved carrot pieces very thinly and add to the vinegar mix.
Slice the carrots into random pieces dress with a good amount of the warm juice and garnish with thinly sliced radish, pickled carrots and chervil leaves.