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Courgette, caramelised onion, whipped feta and truffle honey tart

Summer Courgette, caramelized onion, whipped feta and truffle honey tart

Beautiful and vibrant this gorgeous vegetarian tart will add colour to any table


  1. Divide puff pastry into 2 and roll out two sheets approximately 5mm in thickness and large enough to cut two circles approximately 8 inches in diameter use a dinner plate for this.
  2. Place one of the puff pastry circles onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, brush totally with the egg yolk. Take another plate slightly smaller, ideally leaving a 1cm rim and cut around the inside of the other pastry circle. Take the egg washed pastry circle and place carefully egg side down on top of the cut puff pastry circle, making sure that the circles perfectly align, then carefully turn over and place back on the baking tray lined with the parchment, remove the inner circle so you should be left with a large Vol au vent. Using a fork prick the inside of the circle this will stop it rising, carefully glaze the rim of the tart with the egg yolk then place in the fridge to rest.
  3. Set oven temperature to 200oc/425F/ Gas mark 7.
  4. After 1 hour remove tart from fridge and place into the hot oven cook until golden brown approximately, 20 minutes. If the middle starts to rise just take out the oven and press down gently with a cloth. Once golden brown remove from oven, leave to cool slightly, then very carefully spread the onion chutney (make sure you choose a fairly dry chutney anything too wet will make the tart go soggy) in the middle of the tart making sure to completely cover the bottom, place back in the oven for 5 minutes just to dry out the marmalade, remove from oven and leave to cool.
  5. In a bowl mix the courgettes with a little olive oil and season with sea salt and freshly ground pepper. Place the courgettes in a clockwise direction carefully overlapping and alternating colours all the way inside the rim of the tart until you get back to the beginning, then place slices of the courgette going anticlockwise and slightly overlapping the other courgttes going around till you get back to the beginning again, take time to do this it will give a much neater finish. You should now be left with a small circle in the middle where you can still see the onion chutney.
  6. Place the tart back into the hot oven and cook just until the courgettes start to colour on the edges, approximately 5-10 mins, once the courgettes are nicely covered remove from the oven and leave to completely cool down (do not place in the fridge).
  7. Put Feta, Greek yoghurt and the zest and juice of half the lemon in a blender and mix till smooth and creamy if you donā€™t have a blender whisk in a bowl and try to get as smooth as possible with no lumps, place the mix in a piping bag.
  8. Place the tart carefully onto a nice board or plate and pipe blobs of the whipped feta nicely over the tart, drizzle generously with some truffle honey or normal honey if you donā€™t have truffle honey, then garnish with some fresh pea shoots.