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Soy and maple glazed parsnips

Soy and maple glazed parsnips


Heat a touch of olive oil in a shallow frying pan and add the parsnips cut, side down.

Fry until a good colour is achieved, treat this like a good steak and donā€™t rush! Once you have a good dark colour, flip over and continue to cook to get a good colour all over.

Add the soy, maple, water and rosemary to the pan. Cover with a cut piece of greaseproof paper and simmer over a medium heat for about 8-10 minutes .

Remove the paper and give the pan a good roll around to ensure they are all glazed nicely. Remove the pan from the heat and allow them to cool in the liquid, store in the fridge over night.

When ready to serve reheat either on a tray in the oven or in a pan, give them a good toss around in the reduced liquid to glaze them.

Serve on to a dish and garnish with the fresh thyme leaves, pink peppercorns if using and a pinch of sea salt flakes