A royal celebration in food

Whether you are a royalist or not, I defy anyone to not admire Queen Elizabeth ll. Her commitment, resilience and capacity for hard work are unparalleled.
Having done a few speaking, networking and meet and greets in my time I am in awe at how she does it! Row after row of people. Day after day of small talk. She always looks interested and knows that her role is to put people at their ease and add magic to the occasion.
As a female role model, she excels but I suspect as a foodie she is just off the starting blocks!
Rumours of royal frugality
My dear old dad, Fred, was based at Sandringham for a short period. His abiding memory was of the Queen and her Tupperware boxes! She may be on the world’s rich list, but she also is very frugal and aware of the need to not waste food.
Apparently, a typical meal for the Queen might consist of grilled fish or chicken with two varieties of vegetables. She’s also a massive fan of fresh salad and fruit. I’m in awe of her discipline and menu simplicity. Imagine what she has had to endure over the years? I suppose simplicity is probably the best bet.
Right royal foodies
Thankfully for her majesty; considering all the events she attends, the UK has become a destination for foodie lovers. Our passion and interest in food has raised its game. I’m sure this Platinum Jubilee weekend there will be lots of great food, fun (and the odd raised glass!).
Eating together builds communities
What I love about the celebrations is that food helps it and makes it special. In our client’s premises we are decorating the cafes and restaurants with all things British. We are giving people another reason to come into the office and celebrate. Doing it over zoom doesn’t have the same impact at all! These celebrations allow the community to gather together, interact and create memorable moments. We know from the #bmFamily💜💚 that our team members enjoy the feel of belonging and mutual support. This weekend will create many new friendships and be a catalyst to build better communities. Lockdown experiences showed that community interactions were good for the soul.
Royal food nostalgia
The big summer trend in the food world is predicted to be food nostalgia. So warm up the rolling pins to make sausage rolls (watch Pete Redman’s tip on using cling film). Dust off your cake tins for the great Victoria sponge cake and read Pete’s Blog for inspiration.
My royal celebrations
In my small road, we are having a street party. The competition will be hot! Who can beat a creamy egg sandwich, sausage roll or Battenberg cake? (our special Richard Hodgson of #bmFamily💜💚 training fame is the King of Battenberg). Or why not recreate a fabulous coronation chicken. It was created for the Queen’s coronation in 1953 by Rosemary Hume and Constance Spry. It’s still a firm favourite.
Like me, I’m sure the Queen’s joy and pride comes from seeing her family come together. Whether that’s the #bmFamily💜💚, your own family, community, or the nation. From experience I know this only happens if it’s genuine and from the heart.
So, embrace the joy and celebrate an amazing woman. Indulge without guilt in all the great classics that English cuisine has developed as a word-class foodie destination.
Enjoy your royal celebrations.