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Christmas Party – bartlett mitchell style

The venue for this year’s Christmas party (our 13th) was LBi in Brick Lane and what a great setting, having a bar onsite really made life a lot easier and I would like to thank our clients there for allowing us to use their venue. Brick Lane is a very historic area of London, not just because of its industrial history, but because it has been associated with migrants who bring new flavours and dishes to the area.

Its current inhabitants are the Bengali community; inspired by this our theme was curry and Bollywood. We owe a big thanks to Agata and her team of helpers who converted the dark basement into an exotic and colourful space. 150 or so people came and took part in the party and a few even took part in the Bollywood dancing display, however one of the most popular things was the Henna painting. We found two real henna artists who, without stencils did individual hand art for all those who wanted and each and every one was a work of art.

Pete had the best job though. He had to hunt down the best curry in brick lane and he didn’t let us down as he found a cracking takeaway and ordered curry for 150 people! He still did his fair share of cooking and was ably assisted by Deano; the two of them setup a welcome table with some typical Asian street food snacks. Thanks boys you showed us what great looks like.

A special thanks go to all those who came and turned a gathering of people into a party, it was a great night and a very special occasion (also well done to those who went the extra mile and dressed up for the occasion). Get ready for next year as we’re going for a Polish theme!

David James
Director of Food and service, bartlett mitchell