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Making the most of the season

hot pot - season

No point denying it…Autumn is finally upon us.

The bright side to reaching this season is, as a cook, our larder suddenly becomes a whole lot more interesting and diverse.

If game isn’t your thing, I pity you…but there is so much more plant based eating with wild mushrooms in full swing, fresh cobnuts, pumpkins, figs and for those that are partial to protein, British shellfish is at its best.

I also like to think that autumnal ingredients lend themselves to stewing, slow cooking, long walks while pot roasts are simmering away back at home.  Below I’ve given a little list of the best to look for over the coming months, a lovely recipe for a one pot wonder with lamb that won’t break the bank and if you are as mad about apple pie as me, then try this pastry recipe below that incorporates iberico ham fat and is simply awesome with Autumn fruits.

Fall in love with Fall.

Happy cooking.

Ingredients to look out for:

Pumpkin – search out the posh red waxed delica variety!

Figs – from France are at their best.

Kent – cobnuts.

Plums – use Victoria variety and make our own prunes!

Don’t be tempted by early chestnuts – hold your nerve!

Grouse, partridge and mallard are all great.

Fruit pie pastry

Always make this by hand by crumbing the flour and fat until well incorporated, note add the water one spoon at a time. Once the pastry comes together wrap it in cling film and fridge for an hour before use.

  • 255g plain flour
  • 70g butter
  • 70g Iberico ham fat – or duck fat if you cant find iberico
  • 6 tbsp cold water