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An unforgettable night at Steelhouse lane lock-up

Steelhouse Lane

What a night we had at the Steelhouse Lane lock-up! It’s not every day you get to dine in a place brimming with history, but that’s exactly what happened when we brought our culinary magic to the West Midlands Police Museum. This wasn’t just any dinner; it was the debut of our networking events in Birmingham, marking the beginning of a new chapter for us and the city’s vibrant community. The evening was a blend of past and present, where the echoes of history met the laughter and chatter of today’s leaders and innovators, all brought together by the universal language of exquisite food.

A historical setting with culinary excellence

Imagine stepping into a venue that’s seen its fair share of stories, and there we were, adding our own chapter with a spread that would make any food critic’s mouth water. We’re talking about a Michelin star experience right in the cells of this iconic building. And let me tell you, the setting was everything I had hoped for during this 6-month planning process! It was just as spectacular as the food.

A night to remember

The evening kicked off with drinks and canapés, followed by a tour conducted by two very qualified guides from the prison. We then had a very inspiring welcome from Alice Kinder, the youngest President of Birmingham Law Society. Her words were the perfect appetiser, setting the stage for a night of connection and possibility among Birmingham’s movers and shakers.

Sharing what we’re about

Our team, including our great leaders Angus Brydon FIH and Antony Prentice, showcased what BM Caterers is all about. Personal touch? Check. Professional service? Double-check. And the food – oh, the food. It was a symphony of flavours, each dish telling its own story of our passion for great eats.

A special shout-out

And a special shout-out to the unsung heroes who really made the night shine. Our incredible team of culinary professionals and front-of-house staff. With precision and care, they delivered the freshest ingredients right on time. Setting the stage for Mark Kempson, BM’s partnered Michelin-starred chef, to weave his culinary magic in a makeshift kitchen. It was nothing short of a logistical ballet, and for that, they deserve a round of applause that echoes through the halls of Steelhouse Lane.

An unforagettable evening

BM innovates, allowed us the opportunity to demonstrate our flexibility by hosting a dinner in a venue that has never served Michelin star food.  This initiative has now enabled the museum to consider a new income stream and support the local economy. So here’s to an unforgettable evening where community, opportunity, and gastronomy came together in perfect harmony. Hats off to everyone who made it possible, and here’s to many more nights like this!